The following is a list of scientists and physicians (over 160) who acknowledge that vaccines can and do harm some children and/or have some concern about a vaccine, combinations of vaccines, the vaccine schedule, or an ingredient or ingredients in vaccines. These professionals are not anti-vaccine (though some of the medical doctors are) rather they recognize that vaccines, like all pharmaceutical products, carry risks. They also know that scientific inquiry should never cease.
They have either spoken publicly about their concerns or have published research that explores safety issues relating to a vaccine, the vaccine schedule, a combination of vaccines or ingredients in vaccines.
While the media attacks Dr. Andrew Wakefield claiming he is the only doctor with concerns about vaccines and that he alone has caused millions of parents to lose faith in vaccinations, this assertion is demonstrably untrue. Rather, hundreds of scientists and doctors have voiced concerns and have published research investigating adverse reactions to vaccines and their components. Placing the blame for parental concerns on Dr. Andrew Wakefield is disingenuous at best and blatantly dishonest at worst. Parents have read the research themselves and this is why they are concerned.
It is time for the media to do their job, read the research and talk with the hundreds of doctors and scientists who have expressed concerns.
Vaccinations are capable of making some children very ill, even resulting in the death of some. Federal law in the US recognizes this fact and compensates the victims while vaccine makers bear zero liability when their vaccines do cause harm. That vaccines can cause harm is not open to debate, how often vaccine injury occurs is undetermined though assumed to be infrequent.
Not all the doctors or scientists listed here would want their names listed. They may not want to cast doubt on vaccines or they may fear for their jobs. But they have all either published research demonstrating a possible safety issue relating to vaccines or they have acknowledged publicly that vaccines do cause harm in some children.
This list is a work in progress, taken from public statements as well as the 200 research studies linked to on The Greater Good’s website (
We have not yet listed all their credentials and we have not separated PhDs from MDs nor have we included all the scientists and doctors – there are many, many more names to add.
Please read this list of over 150 scientists and physicians and know that if you are a doctor or a scientist and have concerns, you are not alone. If you are a worried parent, you are not alone. If you or your child has been vaccine-injured, you are not alone.
If you are the media, you need to do some investigating. We have already done much of the legwork for you by creating a Catalogue of Science that contains 200 research studies and case reports published in mainstream peer-reviewed medical literature documenting and exploring safety issues relating to vaccines.
This list was created by Leslie Manookian of The Greater Good in collaboration with Anne Dachel of Age of Autism.
Doctors and Scientists with Concerns About Vaccines
Shizuo Akira, MD, PhD
David Amaral, PhD, MIND Institute, UC-Davis
François-Jérôme Authier, Professor, PhD
David Ayoub, MD, Radiologist
Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Levia, PhD
Toni Bark, MD
David S. Baskin, PhD
Denis Bedoret, PhD
Russell Blaylock, MD, CCN, former clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS. and is currently a visiting professor of biology at Belhaven University, Jackson, MI
Mary Ann Block, DO
T. Bobrowicz, PhD
Kenneth Bock, MD
Marie-Françoise Boissea, PhD
Subbarao Bondada, PhD
Jeff Bradstreet, MD
Pierre Brugierese, PhD
Julie Buckley, MD
Thomas Burbacher, MD
Fabrice Bureau, PhD
Rashid Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM
Stephanie F. Cave, MS, MD, FAAFP
E. Cernichiari, PhD
Pierre Cesaroa, PhD
Lakshman Chelvarajan
T. Chen, PhD
Xavier Chevalierf, PhD
Shiv Chopra, MSc, PhD
Stephanie Christner, DO
T. Clarkson, PhD
John Barthelow Classen, MD
Cevayir Coban, PhD
Maryline Couettea
Andy Cutler, PhD (research chemist)
Jeffrey Dach, MD
Josep Dalmau, MD, PhD
Vicky DeBold, PhD, RN
Jamie Deckoff-Jones, MD
Christophe J Desmet, PhD
Mary Catherine DeSoto, PhD
Richard Deth, PhD
J.G. Dórea, PhD
Peter Doshi, PhD Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
M. Duszczyk, PhD
Steven Edelson, MD, Director of the Autism Research Institute in San Diego
(The late) Mayer Eisenstein, MD
(The late) Frank Engley Jr. PhD
Håkan Eriksson, PhD
Christopher Exley, PhD
Carl Feinstein, MD
Peter Fletcher, PhD, former Chief Scientific Officer, at the UK Department of Health
Lisa Freund, PhD
Paula A. Garay, PhD
Robert F. Garry, PhD
Thomas V. Getchell, PhD
Romain K. Gherardi, Professor, head of the department of Histology, Henri Mondor hospital, Paris, Neuropathologic and Clinical activities at the Neuromuscular Disease Reference Center, and is coordinator of the Department of Neurosciences INSERM
Beatrice Golomb, PhD, MD
Jay Gordon, MD
K.S. Grant, PhD
John Green, MD
Boyd Haley, PhD
Richard Halvorsen, MD
Diane Harper, MD, MPH, MS
(The late) Bernadine Healy, MD
Martha Herbert, MD, PhD, Professor of neurology at Harvard Medical
Laura Hewitson, PhD
Robert T. Hitlan, PhD
Amy Holmes, MD
Brian Hooker, PhD
Mady Hornig, PhD
Suzanne Humphries, MD
Mark Hyman, MD
Philip Incao, MD
Ken J Ishii, PhD
Emmanuel Ittie, PhD
Dr. Jill James, PhD
Bryan Jepson, MD
Archie Kalokerinos, MD
Jerry Kartzinel, MD
Matthew S. Kayser, MD
Marcel Kinsbourne, PhD
Kouji Kobiyama, PhD
Sheldon B. Korones, MD
Arthur Krigsman, MD
Pierre Lekeux, PhD
A. Lerner, PhD
N. Liberato, PhD
S.X. Lin, PhD
Andrew D. Livingston, PhD
Yushu Liu, PhD
Brian J. Lopresti, PhD
Kurt M. Lucin, PhD
Patrick Maisona, PhD
M. D. Majewska, PhD
Jennifer Margulia, PhD
Thomas Marichal, PhD
N. Scott Mason, PhD
A. Kimberley McAllister, PhD
Jaquelyn McCandless, MD
Susan McCreadie, MD
(The late) Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD
(The late) John Menkes, MD, Former head of pediatric neurology at UCLA Medical School. Menkes was also director of pediatric neurology at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. In addition, he was a member of the Forum for Vaccine Safety with the National Institute of Medicine.
Joseph Mercola, DO
Claire Mesnil, PhD
K. Meyza, PhD
S. Midha, PhD
P. Mierzejewski, PhD
Donald W. Miller, Jr. MD
Richard Moskowitz, MD
Elizabeth Mumper, MD, Associate professor of clinical pediatrics at the University of Virginia
Devi S. Nambudripod, MD
Meryl Nass, MD
C. Nelson, PhD
E. Newell, PhD
Raymond Obomsawin, MSc, PhD
Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD
Keiichi Ohata, PhD
M. Olczak, PhD
Dr. Mehmet Oz
Larry Palevsky, MD
Elodie Passeria, PhD
Michael S. Petrik, PhD
Jon Poling, MD
Diana Popa, PhD
Massroor Pourcyrous, MD
Sandy Reider, MD
(The late) Bernard Rimland, MD
Aviva Jill Romm, MD
Robert Rowen, MD
Catherine Sabatel, PhD
E. M. Sajdel-Sulkowska, PhD
Bob Sears, MD
Martyn A. Sharpe, PhD
Chris Shaw, Professor, PhD
DD Shen, PhD
K. Vijendra Singh, PhD
Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, FRCP
Peter Siesjö, PhD
Ken Stoller, MD
Carol Stott, PhD
Arnold J. Stromberg, PhD
Z. L. Sulkowski, PhD
Louise Swarbrick, PhD
Rena C. Tabata, PhD
Sherri Tenpenny, DO
Paul Thomas, MD
Jaime Tomko, PhD
Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD
Anju Usman, MD
Eva Vanamee, PhD
Chiara Villac, PhD
Andrew Wakefield,
John Walker-Smith, Professor
Judy Wilyman, PhD candidate
Margaret C. Wong, PhD
Tony Wyss-Coray, PhD
V.C. Yang, PhD
Amy Yasko, MD
Edward Yazbak, MD
Judy Van de Water, PhD, Immunology, UC Davis
Chiara Villac, PhD
Walter Zahorodny, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
A. M. Zavacki, PhD
Please add my name to your list of concerned physicians.
Please add my name to the list of physicians who are concerned about vaccinations. And please correct my website address to read (no e)
Dr. Incao, we added your name but are not sure where we list your website. We’d be happy to correct it but do not believe it is not our website.
Congratulations and best wishes indeed to all these doctors who have inquired into, published research on vaccines, and/or expressed misgivings about the safety of the vaccine programme currently in operation worldwide(with few exceptions).
I was Counsel in the MMR/autism litigation in the UK and US (for research analysis purposes). Keith, my architect husband and I worked long and hard on these cases, and for some sort of justice for our brilliant but Urabe-strain MMR injured son Harry, whom we lost aged 20 as the result of medical negligence. R.I.P.darling Harry, our most beloved son.
Might want to add Aviva Jill Romm MD to the list?
So when are vaccines going to become illegal and when are they medicos, media, education bodies, etc etc going to stop ramming it down our throats that we should be immunised? Every single person in Australia has the right and the freedom to decide what goes into and onto their bodies.
Archivdes Kalokerinos MD
Thank you for good reporting and honesty.
Please add me to the list.
Done! Thank you for speaking out. TGG
Vaccination is a concept of hope that has morphed to an addictive mindset promulgated and nurtured for profit, control, and subjugation of society by snakeoil salesmen.
I wish the anti vaccine spokespersons would just bang their opponent with “Why do you think the neurotoxins in vaccines are safe for infants or anyone for that matter?” That’s all that has to be discussed. There is nothing left since neurotoxin is a poison by definition. Neurotoxins are substances that are poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue.
ALL the vaccines recommended for children contain aluminum neurotoxins which by definition are poisonous. Neurotoxins are substances that are poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue.
We agree. Given the neurotoxic contents and actions of current vaccines, how can anyone claim they are safe? And the very idea that vaccination provides immunity, by provoking the production of antibodies in the body, has been debunked as well. In recent years, we have come to understand that an individual can have antibodies to a disease and NOT be immune, conversely, a person can have NO antibodies to a disease and still be immune.
What about Dr. Hyman and his autism reversal in a patient following a vaccine?
Article from 2013 titled – “Current Thinking About Autism is Completely Wrong”
He seems to be suggesting that the vaccine did the damage, and he reversed it.
Well done…. Hopefully Jimmy Kimmel will somehow cease from making jokes about what many feel is a critical issue, vaccine safety… Inferring that licensed physicians who question vaccines are not “real” doctors , as he labled those 6 who testified on his show, is not only ludicrous but speaks loudly of his efforts to gain public attention at the expense of many.. Public pressure for him to allow any 6 on the above list to be invited on his show would be appropriate…
Frank A Smith, DC
I’d like someone to document the money trail involved in vaccination, so sincere parents who persecute those of us who want the right to decline vaccination for our children, can be shown accurately what motivation there might be to mislead the public and cover up the scientific truth concerning this procedure.
I’d like you to perhaps publish:
– A picture of what a vaccination vessel looks like. The little glass ampule with the rubber end that the kindly doctor takes out of his fridge and inserts his needle into.
– The price of each ampule; the real price, taking into account the percentage contributed by the government health departments to subsidise the campaigns.
– The number of ampules that are used per year, in the USA. And also in Australia if possible.
– The approximate number that a single doctor might, on average, dispense per year.
– The estimated financial return to drug companies each year for all the ampules used. In the US, in Australia, Canada, and any other countries, in Europe etc, these drug companies are operating in.
– The estimated financial return to an average medical doctor in the US, and in Australia, involved in the vaccination campaigns.
Once people know these things they will be able to see why there might be coverups, and which side might be more likely to have the truth.
Apparently pro-choice only applies to abortions, not vaccines
I am looking for a pediatrician in Miami against vaccins…can you help me?
Try this list: