A new study out of Canada shows just how dangerous HPV vaccines are. The study looked at 195,270 girls who received HPV vaccination. Of the vaccinated girls, there were 958 hospitalizations and 19,351 ED (emergency room visits). Interestingly, the authors state that only 198 adverse events were reported.
This is curious as most parents don’t take their children to the ER unless there is a reason. Perhaps this shows how vaccine reactions are downplayed by hospitals. One ER nurse has even reported that hospitals systematically underreport vaccine reactions.
Considering that 195,000 girls were vaccinated and that 958 hospitalizations and 19,351 visits to the ER were reported, there were 20,309 serious adverse events within 42 days (the study period) following HPV vaccination.
So that means 10% of HPV vaccine recipients had a reaction that required a visit to the ER or hospitalization – and that only includes the first 42 days after vaccination.
And what did the study authors conclude?
“Rates of AEFI [adverse reactions] after HPV immunization in Alberta are low and consistent with types of events seen elsewhere.”
On what planet does 10% of recipients of a medical procedure requiring a visit to the ER or hospitalization mean “low rates of adverse reactions?” Only on the pseudo-scientific medical planet of big pharma.
Review the study for yourself:
What did the girls present with to the ER?
You can find all the data presented in the study at the link http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X16002036 Please not that the authors do not disclose all the information on all the issues and downplay ER visits and hospitalizations by only reviewing those related to certain adverse events.
ok. I appreciate the advocacy. I am a vaccine injury attorney Gold Law Firm http://www.goldlawfirm.net
I can tell you that when my daughter took the HPV vaccine (and we delayed it at first). I took a deep breath and we did it. And mercifully she is ok. But the science and the numbers told us she would be ok. Do young women (and men) have reactions to Gardasil? Absolutely! Is it common? No.
Vaccine injuries occur but lets have the numbers and the science tell the story, not fear. If there are problems with the Gardasil vaccine (and they seem to cluster around autoimmune issues), let’s get it fixed and fast.
It’s easy to see a conspiracy if you want to…but being responsible means using the facts instead.
The facts are clear: 10% of recipients of Gardasil in the study were either admitted to the hospital or had to go to the ER. It is hard to understand your comment that reactions to Gardasil are not common when the numbers in this study showed that 1 in 10 was hospitalized or went to the ER. Moreover, VAERS has over 40,000 reports related to Gardasil and Gardasil 9 since Gardasil was launched in 2006 and VAERS itself says that passive monitoring systems like itself are hampered by underreporting. The truth is that most parents have no idea VAERS exists and many doctors don’t both to report or are outright antagonistic regarding the possibility of vaccine injury. It is acknowledged that only 1-10% of vaccine reactions are ever reported.
We just received a phone call last week from a Florida mom whose totally health 13 year old daughter started having seizures 6 days after her first Gardasil shot. She has taken her daughter to the hospital 8 times and every time she mentions Gardasil, the hospital staff get angry, dismiss the possibility that Gardasil could have done this – despite so many other girls having the same symptoms – and refuse to write it in the girl’s medical chart.
We’re glad your daughter has showed no signs of an adverse reaction yet but that does not mean there has been no adverse reaction. It is never advisable to inject aluminum into the body and the evidence of harm of aluminum in the pathology of gut disease, autoimmune disease, brain and nervous system disease and cancer continues to mount.
The facts are that Gardasil has harmed untold thousands and has been banned and or is under review in many countries around the world. The facts are that the Gardasil trials used a solution of aluminum as their placebo casting doubt on any safety conclusions. The facts are that aluminum is toxic to all life forms. The facts are that parts of Gardasil have been found in the brains of young women who died after Gardasil. The facts are that thousands of young people have reported reactions. The facts are that health officials claim those reactions are all a coincidence.
Do you have experience with statistics and analysis of scientific data?
I believe that you are presenting the data in a misleading way. 1/10 is not accurate since it was not reported at the number of girls who went to the ED or were hospitalized but rather the number of visits so repeated visits are counted there. Additionally, there was no mention of controlling for the usual number of ED visits and hospitalizations in the un-vaccinated because this is a cohort type study and not a case-control or placebo double blind.
They noted every single ED visit and hospitalization during the study period but that doesn’t mean that they were all related to the vaccine as you are implying. The majority of cases were bahviotal health. So that either means that the vaccine induces behavioral health concerns (as you are implying) or that young women with behavioral health problems are likely to present to the ED.
I think we need some control data here to really put analytical use to the data.
We understand your concerns but checked this with scientists who had no issue with the presentation of the data. Even if you slash the numbers in half or divide by 10 – which would be draconian steps to account for your conners and egregiously over conservative – you would still have between 1% and 5% of recipients going to the ER or being hospitalized. There is simply no way to justify this when a Pap smear is all that is necessary and Paps have ZERO risk. Vaccinating is risking young women’s live for NO REASON. And let’s just put this in perspective. If a car defect causes a couple of deaths, millions of cars are recalled and a major investigation is begun to identify and correct the problem. When HPV vaccines kill hundreds and maim tens of thousands, it is all a coincidence or psychological. Perhaps the real reason these reactions aren’t investigated is because authorities know injecting aluminum is not safe and that this vaccine is unnecessary. Not to mention that fact that the vaccine wears off and will require re-dosing every 5-7 years (euphemistically called “booster shots”) meaning an additional 5-8 shots between ages 10 and 50 when cervical cancer usually occurs. Regarding the behavioral health point, this is another convenient means of dismissing victims of vaccine injury and this is a situation experienced by thousands of young girls the world over – it’s all in their heads. We will soon be posting the story of a previously completely healthy young girl who had a stroke like reaction and has suffered continuous seizure activity since 6 days after her Gardasil shot. Interestingly, hospitals and doctors dismissed it as psychological – stress until one honest person told the truth. Let’s also remember that the whole notion of vaccines is based on a century old misunderstanding of immunity. The presence of antibodies – the reason we vaccinate – does not mean one is immune, rather that one has been exposed. We now know that one can have ZERO antibodies and be immune and have sky high antibodies and not be immune. Given this, one has to wonder why vaccines are not under more scrutiny. Perhaps the tens of billions of dollars and reputations of authorities at stake explain that bizarre situation.
Amen! If you don’t see that something is seriously wrong with the vaccine industry, something is seriously wrong with you. The subpar products will only get worse as pharmaceutical ties continue to infiltrate our government. Look how long it’s taking to make it public knowledge, the dangers of gardisil and mmr to name a couple. As soon as we fix one issue here, 100 more will pop up. These ingredients are toxic. Period. Anyone with their head screwed on right knows it. My family will not be a part of this sick experiment. Over my dead body.
My daughter had this horrible poison three years ago in 2013. She went from being a vibrant active teenager to an exhausted, fatigued individual suffering with a CONSTANT headache some days a debilitating migraine. All over body aches and just never feeling well at all. This has been a nightmare for all of us. Not knowing what was wrong. She has had every test under the sun including an MRI of of head. Nothing, can’t find nothing! The same doctor that encouraged the vaccine was the same doctor that was so gracious as to try and diagnose her with an antidepressant because of her headache complaints. More money! More poison! About a month ago she and I said no more doctors and no more poison and that is when praise Glory to God I began researching and was flooded with all this information about this horrible poison the Gardasil Vaccine. Almost every article that I read from a parent or a teenager that had this vaccine the side effects and symptoms were exactly like my daughter. Half the nightmare was finally over just knowing what has been causing all her aches and pains. I then within the same week had heard of Homeopathic treatment and she is still currently in a detox regiment. It has only helped with her energy level. I have had three RN’s tell me this should be off the market! Period!!! My daughter and our family are fully aware that she is alive by the grace of God and I woke up an advocate against this awful poison. I have a hard time with the fact that this vaccine and all its controversy was already seven years old when my daughter was encouraged to get it. How does a doctor who is suppose to care and help people, knowing all this sleep at night and continue to encourage this poison!
We are so sorry to hear of your daughter’s injury from this vaccine. It is so sad as this did not have to happen. We appreciate you sharing your story and trust that you doing so will help to spare others.
My daughter is having the same symptoms!! What are you doing to detox yours?
I have personally met a family whose previous healthy daughter was changed after getting the vaccine. The adolescent now suffers from narcolepsy and seizures. The mother is just sick over the fact that she ok’s the vaccine. For obvious reasons, she did not vaccinate the younger daughter with this vaccine. The enormous guilt this mother carries is just awful.