You know vaccine authorities are worried when they put out articles in the media like this on WebMD that criticize Dr. Bob Sears book, The Vaccine Book – a book written 7 YEARS ago.
You see the problem is Dr. Sears wants to help families make their own personal choices regarding vaccination so he developed an alternative vaccine schedule and more and more parents are rejecting the official schedule.
The CDC and vaccine authorities don’t like that so they work with the media to create “stories” about alternative vaccine schedules and write demonstrably untrue things like implying that the CDC’s vaccine schedule has been studied for safety (it has not) while criticizing alternative schedules for not having been studied.
To be clear, no Federal health official or vaccine maker has ever done a large, controlled, clinical study evaluating the medium and long term health outcomes and impact of the CDC’s vaccination schedule (but some independent groups have conducted less formal surveys of thousands and the results don’t reflect well at all on the health outcomes of vaccinated kids).
To suggest that alternative schedules are unsafe because they have not been studied but pretend that the CDC’s schedule has been studied is well, a lie. This is so obvious when one just considers vaccines for things like flu, chicken pox and hepatitis B – a disease babies are not at risk of contracting unless they are sexually promiscuous or IV drug users).
But we all know WebMD is getting money from the US government and the pharmaceutical (vaccine) industry, so it should come as no surprise that they are taking pot shots at those who dare to educate themselves and choose their own path.
This is the same old dross, repackaged to frighten and or shame parents into doing what authorities want. You are either a careless parent jeopardizing your children’s health or you are a morally challenged citizen sponging off the rest of society by hiding in the herd.
But we have news for these vaccine folks – none of the parents we know who have chosen not to vaccinate are hiding from anything – they have decided that the risks of the disease are less than the risks of the vaccines and are very consciously making the choice.
They know that the risk of complications from a childhood illness in a healthy well nourished child are remote and they would rather take that risk than the risk of injecting mercury, aluminum, detergents, mouse brain cells, monkey kidney cells, aborted human fetal cells, bacteria, viruses, formaldehyde and even stuff we don’t know about.
They have read the research themselves, something very few vaccine providers have done, and they know the vaccine program carries much bigger risks than vaccine authorities will admit.
The irony about articles like this is that all they do is motivate more parents to go out and educate themselves, the upshot being more parents rejecting the edicts of the machine.
So we say, by all means, carry on with the mudslinging, it is becoming more and more clear that the emperor has no clothes.
WebMD article