Have you ever heard the line, “Trust me, I’m from the government and I’m here to help”?
Most of us have and it would appear that more and more of us are seeing just what a joke that line truly is!
New research shows that this is especially the case with vaccines. In fact, the more authorities try to persuade parents that vaccines are great, the more those parents don’t want to vaccinate their kids. It’s actually kind of funny when you think about it.
According to this article (link below) when information was presented to the “vaccine hesitant” parents on the study supposedly debunking the connection between MMR and autism, “it didn’t budge their intent to vaccinate, the study found. In fact, among those with least favorable views of vaccines, the chance that they would vaccinate future kids fell from 70 percent to 45 percent.”
As Michael Belkin, a man whose daughter died after the Hepatitis B shot says, “The message is backfiring. Basically, they believe that the government is lying.”
The very notion that more and more parents are rejecting vaccines out of ignorance is truly laughable. The folks most likely to reject vaccines usually fall into one of two camps.
1) Either they did vaccinate their kids, witnessed first hand the destruction that vaccine or vaccines caused to their kids, subsequently educated themselves, and then stopped vaccinating, or
2) they already knew some of the risks of vaccines before having children, read as much as they could, watched The Greater Good and generally educated themselves and never started vaccinating.
But the point is, the non-vaccinators are some of the MOST educated consumers on the planet and when it comes to vaccines, they are probably the MOST informed people on the planet, including doctors.
NO AMOUNT of marketing ploys or marketing dollars is going to dissuade these folks from what they know to be true. No amount of spinning the science is going to change this.
These parents KNOW:
1) that vaccine studies don’t use true placebos,
2) that most vaccine studies compare vaccinated to vaccinated groups,
3) that aluminum is not safe and has never been proved safe to inject into humans let alone infants,
4) that mercury is not safe and has not been proved safe to inject into humans, let alone infants,
5) that vaccines are studied for safety singly but administered in combinations,
6) that CDC and other health authorities and vaccine makers refuse to conduct a study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids,
7) that several surveys have compared the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated kids and found the unvaccinated to be overwhelmingly healthier,
8) that the vaccine makers bear zero liability for their products so can’t be sued if they go wrong,
9) that health agencies have been caught over and over covering up side effects from drugs like Vioxx and Avandia,
10) that governments have admitted that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe and have compensated the victims of vaccine injury including autism,
11) that the children of today are the most chronically ill generation ever,
12) that health does not come in a pharmaceutical bottle,
13) that the more a product has to be pushed to get you to buy it, the more wary you should be,
14) and lastly, that no one cares about their child’s health and wellbeing as much as they do, thank you very much.
The truth is setting us free.