Leslie Manookian discusses CV on the Wise Traditions Podcast with Hilda Gore. She touches on what we know, a cv vaccines, Bill Gates influence and more. http://wisetraditions.libsyn.com/238-behind-the-coronavirus … [Read more...]
Do You Notice a Pattern Here?
Do you notice a pattern here? Elites like Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger keep telling us we need a new world order, a new economy, and a new vaccine in order to rejoin life. And in case you missed it, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown just last week called for a "temporary global … [Read more...]
A Little Perspective
I am hoping that with some more information, people can relax a little so they can breathe and just focus on taking care of themselves. I don't want anyone to get sick or die, but panic makes those things more likely. When we are frightened, cortisol is elevated in our bodies which suppresses our … [Read more...]
Food for Thought on Coronavirus
We know there is much fear around so we wanted to share a little perspective. Consider that one third of the population carries staph on their skin and in their noses. If you tested that one third, they’d all test positive – but they’re not sick, they’re not infected. In order to be sick, you … [Read more...]