In January, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare introduced two new bills to the Idaho Senate Health and Welfare Committee that would make it impossible to remove a child's name and date of birth from the "voluntary" vaccine registry and extend the vaccine registry to all Idahoans with the … [Read more...]
Vaccine Exemptions and Vaccine Registries – Is there a connection?
In recent years, vaccine exemption laws have been under attack in a variety of states while vaccine registries have been on the rise. Vaccine exemptions have been restricted in California, Washington, and Vermont and attempts to restrict them have been seen in other states like Colorado, Texas, … [Read more...]
HPV Vaccines and Evidence Based Medicine
Since FDA's 2006 'fast-track' approval of Merck's Gardasil vaccine, the public has been inundated with messages about the dangers of cervical cancer as well as the alleged best prevention tool, HPV vaccination, either Gardasil or its competitor, GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix. Young girls are implored … [Read more...]
What’s the scoop on the shingles vaccine?
Recently we've received many questions about whether to get the shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine. As always, the issue is not as black and white as some would have us believe, so here we discuss what you may not read in the mainstream about the shingles vaccine. The US Centers for Disease Control … [Read more...]
Anthrax Vaccine – Would you enroll your child in a safety study?
To the amazement of many, the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues met this week in Miami to discuss whether to approve a program that would test the anthrax vaccine in children. The discussion centered around concerns that terrorists might try to kill thousands by weaponizing … [Read more...]
Civil Rights and Vaccines
January is civil rights month and January 21st is not only Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday and Federal holiday but also inauguration day. January, a month to celebrate rights and freedoms, it would seem an inspiring way to start off the year. But that is not the way the year started out for … [Read more...]
What’s on my radar? – GMO’s
What’s on my radar? Each month I will be writing about books, DVD’s, organizations, trends, and events that are “on my radar” as they are important, timely and educational - which means they will empower you to think for yourselves, enable you to challenge the received wisdom, and give you ideas … [Read more...]
Defending the Indefensible – Injecting Mercury in Babies
Currently being negotiated at the World Health Organization (WHO) is whether to ban the use of mercury in medicines and vaccines. Scientists have been testifying to WHO about the dangers of mercury so many of the member nations of WHO have called for a ban on medications containing mercury and that … [Read more...]
Should you get the flu shot?
While state and government agencies across the nation are beseeching us all to get flu shots to protect ourselves, to protect others, and to do the ‘right thing’ for the greater good of course, we thought we would give another perspective that does not get so much coverage by the corporate media. … [Read more...]