Here is yet another heartbreaking story and video about another girl damaged by Gardasil. This poor young woman developed a rare autoimmune disease called ITP whereby her blood no longer clots making life a very dangerous proposition as she could bleed out from a normal bump or bruise. She was … [Read more...]
The AAP: A kind of Gestapo?
Do you want advice or orders from your pediatrician? The idea that patients should be in charge of their health seems like a horrific inconvenience to the pediatricians leading the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and their frustration is evidenced by a disgusting form they recommend … [Read more...]
Vaccination and Mutations: Mother Nature Bites Back
At first blush, the idea that we might be able to prevent disease with a simple shot, may seem like a good idea. But in truly trying to determine whether it is a good idea, one must evaluate all of the knock on effects, not just the potential upside. One must consider whether there are adverse … [Read more...]
Pertussis Outbreaks and the Journal of Pediatrics – Shameless Blaming
One would like to believe that what is printed in the media is accurate and what is printed in scientific journals is well, scientific. Sadly, all too often neither of those is the case. In recent days, a study published in the prestigious journal of Pediatrics has been reported on by dozens of … [Read more...]
Do you believe in magic? No, but we believe in facts.
Recently, two books have been published by Dr. Paul Offit, the leading proponent of vaccines in the US and one of the main experts featured in The Greater Good. The two books are called Do you Believe in Magic and Killing Us Softly. They laughably denounce supplements and alternative medicine like … [Read more...]
Doctors and Scientists with Concerns About Vaccines
The following is a list of scientists and physicians (over 160) who acknowledge that vaccines can and do harm some children and/or have some concern about a vaccine, combinations of vaccines, the vaccine schedule, or an ingredient or ingredients in vaccines. These professionals are not anti-vaccine … [Read more...]
HPV Vaccines and Evidence Based Medicine
Since FDA's 2006 'fast-track' approval of Merck's Gardasil vaccine, the public has been inundated with messages about the dangers of cervical cancer as well as the alleged best prevention tool, HPV vaccination, either Gardasil or its competitor, GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix. Young girls are implored … [Read more...]
What’s the scoop on the shingles vaccine?
Recently we've received many questions about whether to get the shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine. As always, the issue is not as black and white as some would have us believe, so here we discuss what you may not read in the mainstream about the shingles vaccine. The US Centers for Disease Control … [Read more...]
Anthrax Vaccine – Would you enroll your child in a safety study?
To the amazement of many, the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues met this week in Miami to discuss whether to approve a program that would test the anthrax vaccine in children. The discussion centered around concerns that terrorists might try to kill thousands by weaponizing … [Read more...]
Civil Rights and Vaccines
January is civil rights month and January 21st is not only Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday and Federal holiday but also inauguration day. January, a month to celebrate rights and freedoms, it would seem an inspiring way to start off the year. But that is not the way the year started out for … [Read more...]