The Greater Good has some exciting news – we are launching a series of short 3-minute videos on the vaccine debate that are sure to open hearts and provoke thought. The first is about autism and we think you will find it very compelling. Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks and months!
Click on the video above to watch, then continue reading below.
So let’s talk a little about what the government is saying and doing about autism. In March of 2014 CDC reported new “official” autism rates stating that 1 in 68 US kids has autism, with 1 in 42 boys. But a CDC telephone survey of 100,000 US parents just last year found that 1 in 50 US kids and 1 in 32 boys suffers from autism. Why the difference? The telephone survey was conducted in 2013 looking at 6-17 year olds in 2011-2012 whereas the “official” data are from 2010 but ONLY looking at 8 year-olds born in 2002.
It would seem CDC is using old data to conceal the fact that autism is an epidemic of gross proportions. One could even argue they have made the epidemic worse and tried to cover their tracks by changing the vaccine schedule.
In the early 2000’s, CDC instructed vaccine makers to remove the mercury preservative in childhood shots. But as the mercury was being phased out of most childhood vaccinations, CDC recommended that pregnant women and infants at 6 months and again 7 months receive the flu shot – which they knew still contained mercury. In addition to the flu shot, CDC began recommending that pregnant women also receive the Tdap vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, and attenuated pertussis). So pregnant women and their unborn babies are still being subjected to mercury-laden flu vaccines and aluminum-laden DTaP vaccines – and at an earlier point.
These vaccines during pregnancy contradict decades of advice to take no medications, quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol and avoid mercury laden seafood while pregnant, but people have been so conditioned to trust authority that they accept this, making it all too easy to tell parents, ‘sorry, your kid was born that way’.
While the monkey business with the official autism statistics continues, government health officials maintain the charade that they are trying to find a cause for autism when they have blown $1.6 billion over the past decade looking for a supposed genetic cause despite ample science showing that environmental factors are the culprit. See here and here. Yes, autism rates have skyrocketed while the government flushes precious research dollars down the drain. In fact, a recent report found that potentially 84% of current US funded research into autism duplicates research already done or in process.
To make matters worse, we have learned that some senior folks responsible for addressing the autism epidemic in the US have suspected for years, in private, that vaccines are responsible for the epidemic, but they for some reason will not admit the truth publicly.
It is heart breaking to see so many children suffering from autism, but we want to be very clear that vaccine damage reaches far beyond the autism epidemic. Children today suffer from epidemics of chronic illnesses never seen before. Recent research found that 54% of US school children suffer from a chronic condition of some sort – from diabetes, to asthma, allergies, obesity, learning and speech delays, behavioral problems to, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, immune system dysfunction, and autoimmune diseases. And sadly, ample science links these conditions to vaccines.
The bottom line? It is up to you to educate yourself and make an informed choice about vaccination. You can’t sue the government, the doctor, or the vaccine maker, you and only you will be responsible if something goes wrong.
We’d like to thank the Children’s Medical Safety Research Center, CMSRI for making this video possible.
Thank you for all our hard work on these videos. I’m truly surprised at the lack of legislative action on this issue. You would think that the souring rate of autism would prompt an all out war on harmful chemicals to babies in and out of the womb by political officials! Just insane! It’s criminal!
Thank you so much for all that you do! It is so important that your stories are told over and over again until the truth finally prevails. It is very tough to be a health care professional (I am an RN) who disagrees with the general consensus. I have had co-workers tell me “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.” It is sad that people are not fully educating themselves, especially health care professionals. We are watching autoimmune conditions and autism rates skyrockets and burying our heads in the sand as to the cause. Keep up the good work. I truly believe that you are making great headway.
Thank you for all you have done to help others.
Thank you for keeping us up dated. I live in Montreal and I decited not to vaccinate my 3rd child. To know that I’m on the right path encourages me to listen to my gut feeling for my childrens health. It very sad to see so many children and parents have to struggle with autism. My heart goes out to you all!
The scientists already know, they are smart enough to have worked out what’s going on, but the pharmaceutical companies are making too much money out of it, and those Doctors who step forward and say something are dis-credited and lose their licenses.
By the time people work out what’s going on, it will be too late. If a family is genetically pre-disposed to an auto-immume disease, once a person is vaccinated and the genes triggered, you can’t turn them off, then in turn it’s passed onto the kids. It’s why you end up with families like mine, undiagnosed ASD mum, fully vaccinated went on to have kids, who are both diagnosed ASD, one had the vitamin K injection and no other, the other never been vaccinated. Then these stats are used to ‘prove’ vaccinations don’t cause ASD.
Look at DePuy (Johnson & Johnson) debacle with the ASR hip replacement – they knew what was happening, but continued selling the faulty product because they were making good money – and they’ll use the law system to get out of paying the people who they will kill.
Words cannot express the hate that I have for you and this movement. I simply cannot fathom the depths of ignorance that arises with these sorts of beliefs. Did you get your doctorate in biology? Pharmacology? Cellular genetics?…If the answer is no then you need to take a step back, stop believing a quick Google search about a disproven paper is enough to educate yourself on something as complex as autism, and leave science to the scientists. Want to make a difference? Do a scientific, unbiased, peer reviewed study of autism and vaccines. I guarantee that you won’t find any connection. Don’t believe me? Great, because if you can disprove me and prove that vaccines cause autism then you’ll be up for a Nobel prize. But until you are personally doing biomedical research don’t have the audacity to think that you know more than those who do.
Tom, you wrote “Do a scientific, unbiased, peer reviewed study of autism and vaccines”, and we could not agree more that this is the absolute scientific priority of our day. The real question is why has it never been done? To make matters worse, most vaccine safety studies use a placebo that is another vaccine or a solution containing mercury or aluminum, i.e. not a placebo at all and the studies compare vaccinated to other vaccinated children. There has never been a large clinical controlled study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated to unvaccinated children. It does not take a doctorate in any field you mention to deduce that these practices are anything but scientific. You say you can guarantee that a good study won’t find any connection. That is a decidedly unscientific opinion as any true scientist knows that no scientific truth is absolute. In fact, hundreds of studies have found that vaccines and their key ingredients are harmful and we have interviewed dozens of scientists who have done this research. More and more scientists are expressing concern though to be fair, many of them are afraid to speak openly for fear of losing their jobs and/or being met with the very sad hatred you express.
Tom, what is your training to hate people who question vaccines? If you are truly interested to read I can send you not one, not two but 86 peer reviewed abstracts published in reputed medical journals that show a causal link between vaccine adjuvants and neurological disorders in both human and animal studies. I really don’t think you need a biology, pharmacology, genetics or immunology degree to read do you? This is not a movement, it is the undeniable voice of many who have been or seen who have been vaccine injured while the people who have conflicting interests seem to not care. The damage we are doing to the immune systems and a generation as a whole is quite evident to those who have taken the time to study both sides of the vaccination debate. I suggest you do the same and not lump everyone who questions the vaccine theory as someone who only does a “google search”.
Please post the links to the articles, I’m interested to read them. I so far have yet to find a legitimate(or any at all for that matter) study in any of the medical journals I am subscribed to. The link you’re describing is corollary, not causal. Unless of course you are referring to the mercury found in trace amounts the vaccine, more of which can be found in a healthy mother’s breast milk. In which case there have been numerous studies showing that there is no lasting effects from trace exposure.
Tom, We will leave it to the other posters to post their studies but will point out that Catherine DeSoto did a comprehensive review of all the empirical science exploring a connection between mercury and autism and found that the body of science FAVORED a link by a factor of 3:1 despite health authorities assertions to the contrary. You can see this on our website:
I have reviewed a significant number of the articles and I noticed that many are discussing the toxicity and potential for neurological damage but there are limited studies with social data collections to be able to obtain a causality conclusion.
There have been several recent studies on collecting such stats that are worth a read. The largest one of its kind was published earlier this month.
Tom, Why do you have such hatred towards people who ask questions? With your logic, had you been living in a different time, you would have hated those that questioned the world being flat.
Let’s just look at the first shot – HepB. It contains 225 mcg of Aluminum.
Infant blood volume is 1/3 Liter
Toxicity level of aluminum in the blood: 60 mcg/L.
The aluminum in the first vaccine is 11x more than what turns blood toxic. For this reason, every vaccine insert says the same thing: DO NOT INJECT INTRAVENOUSLY! I can only find one paper on what happens if it is injected intravenously. It was done on three calves. They all died.
The HepB shot is given intramuscularly. The hope is that none of the vaccine fluid will leak into the bloodstream where it can poison the blood. That leads to the question: Do intramuscular shots ever leak?
There is a practice done with intramuscular shots called aspiration, where after inserting the needle the plunger is pulled back a bit to see if there is blood. If there is then a blood vessel was torn and some of the shot fluid can leak into the bloodstream. Aspiration is done because on few occasions the fluid would leak into the bloodstream when blood vessels are torn by needle insertion. This cannot be done on infants. They squirm.
At toxic levels aluminum causes brain damage. This is what dialysis dementia is all about. It is the kidney doctors who determined that the toxic level of aluminum is 60 mcg/L. It only takes 1/11th of the HepB vaccine fluid to poison the blood and if a blood vessel is torn it can happen.
So how often does it have to happen? There are 20+ aluminum bearing shots given before 2. If the autism rate is 1/50 how often does aluminum have to leak into the blood to cause autism?
But let’s not stop there. Scientists inject aluminum and egg albumin into lab animals to cause asthma. The rate of asthma is 9.6% in our schools. How often does the aluminum and egg in vaccines have to be “successful” to cause the asthma epidemic we see in our schools?
Still not enough for you? To cause arthritis in lab animals aluminum is injected with collagen. How often does the aluminum in vaccines have to be “successful” to cause the rheumatoid arthritis outbreaks seen in our children?
But vaccines are safe. We know this because true believers have said so, have written the papers and peer reviewed them to prove it.
I have the audacity to know that the cause of the autism epidemic has to cover a world wide geography, has to grow up in the last 30 years and has to have access to children’s brains. I also have the audacity to know that the pro-vax community has had 30 years to come up with something that fits this profile other than vaccines and they have not. I have the audacity to think vaccines cause the autism epidemic. I have the audacity to think that vaccines cause the asthma epidemic. I have the audacity to think that vaccines cause the epidemic of juvenile arthritis. I even have the audacity to think that vaccines are responsible for the outbreaks of other autoimmune issues. I have the audacity to know that aluminum is not specific about what protein it forces the immune system to attack. I have the audacity to think that vaccines have slowed childhood illnesses which children get over in a week at the price of other illnesses that they never get over. I have the audacity to know that I can’t trust the experts because they have not done their homework.
Have I convinced you of anything? Probably not. You are a true believer who has turned vaccine safety on its head. You have told me that I have to prove vaccines cause autism. Vaccine safety is the responsibility of those who push the vaccines on the public. I have just given reason to doubt vaccine safety and I expect it to mean nothing to you because for you I have to prove vaccine danger to your level of proof. And your level is probably not attainable.
Tom, I’m going to share something with you. I am going to make this very easy. You won’t have to do anything except open the link and scroll to page 11, paragraph 3. Read the whole paragraph…..Read every word, slowly.
Hey Debbie. That link has been removed. Of course. Is there a snapshot somewhere? Thanks!
Tom, so do you think you have the “hate” market cornered? I’ll see your level of hate and raise it from hate to daily increasing anger! Your testimony of ignorance declaring your need for written proof followed by your rambling about none meeting your noble prize qualifications is pathetic! Pathetic works like you would never ever be satisfied with any amount of researched studies proving vaccine poison causes AUTISM as well as other negative life changing issues. I wonder where your interest & hate concerning this subject derives from. I live with and care for a vaccine damaged child. Watching his body in torment just hrs after the poison injection by the all knowing Goddamn white coat disguised as a caring doctor (who profits nicely from each injection) with struggles now no child should have to experience leaves me wanting to rip the heads off the CEO’s and all the supporting criminals who know the truth but still push the vaccine poison on the masses… WHY? Is it all about money or some other nefarious reason……Until you’ve experience the results of vaccine poison in the flesh with someone you love, your hate is just hollow ignorance built by the colluding main stream lying fake-news media who have more guilt in destroying America than most Americans know. Reason being they don’t read and research what the lying TV promotes as real & true…..Most everything seen on the news and TV programs is bent to deceive …..
Thank you for changing the world, TRUTH!!
Join the dots ……
Vaccines …..may cause…. encephalitis….. which may cause….. brain damage …which…may….result….in….autism…
You may not be able to sue the government but it is your right to fire them.
Overall, this article was very informative and timely.
However, as the embedded link
clearly states, besides the influenza vaccine, the other vaccine recommended for pregnant women is the Tdap vaccine, which contains lower levels of the diphtheria toxoid, and perturssis toxin, endotoxin and some other antigens for “pertussis”, — NOT the DTaP vaccine, which would be deadly to give to any pregnant women UNLESS she were less than seven (7) years of age BECAUSE of its higher levels of diphtheria toxoid and the toxic purified acellular components isolated from killed Bordetella pertussis bacteria.
Disappointed that, other than mentioning the vaccines currently recommended to be administered to pregnant women (without regard to the adverse developmental effects of such vaccine inoculations the developing child’s brain and nervous system as outlined by Dr. Blaylock), the text did NOT at least mention the general vaccination-related effects noted in:
1. Goldman GS, Miller NZ. Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990–2010. Hum Exp Toxicol 2012 Oct; 31(10): 1012-1021.
2. Miller NZ, Goldman GS. Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? Hum Exp Toxicol 2011 Sept.; 30(9): 1420-1428.
Perhaps those issues will be addressed in a future posting.
Thank you Dr. King for pointing out our mistake regarding the Tdap vaccine and DTaP. In our haste we typed the wrong vaccine and apologize for our error.
With respect to your desire for us to address other issues relating to the adverse impact vaccinations have on the child’s developing brain, we have posted on these topics before but did not address them here simply for time and space considerations. That said, we have many more videos to come which will address many more issues, including those you mention so please stay tuned.
And thanks for being a part of the conversation.
I didn’t realize my son was vaccine damaged until I read, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations”. I was told that his rash/hives and low white blood cell count was because of a virus he must have contracted in the womb–not the Hep B shot. I didn’t know that his blood curdling screams and back arching were symptoms too (the doctor told me that was normal too and never mentioned encephalitis) as I continued to poison him with his vaccines including the flu shot and 2 doses of the new H1N1 shot when the disease put everyone in a panic. I’d asked his doctor about vaccinations and he said that they were very safe and most of the listed reactions were not likely caused by vaccines but were coincidence and the reactions really only happened to immunocompromised kids. When I asked about giving all the shots at once, he said that they work better that way. I have been researching nutrition and holistic living now for almost 3 years and am completely disgusted with the government. I am an engineer but considering running for office to help make the drastic changes needed. I encourage other good people to do the same. Activism is wonderful but can’t accomplish as much as getting all the right people in office. I also recommend joining the Weston A. Price Foundation who are also anti-vax, to learn more about traditional nutrition to free yourself and family from disease–including reversing tooth decay! This ideal nutrition is also a great part of vaccine healing. Visit to learn more. I need to buy one of those shirts.
My neighbor has two sons both of them have autism the first one had all of the shots and the second one didn’t have any, and they both have autism ! So how do you explain that?
How do we explain what? That autism might be caused by environmental toxins other than vaccines? I don’t think we in any way made a claim that vaccines are the only potential cause of autism, but much science and millions of parents around the world suggests they are the biggest cause. It would be worth investigating whether your neighbor was or was not vaccinated herself and whether she received vaccines just before or during pregnancy. It would just be an interesting piece of information to have.
There are two other culprits that deserve an honorable mention in the autism category.. One could be pre-natal care. What injections did the pregnant mother have and the other is birth control pills and or other birth control methods…….Basically any drug the mother takes before and during pregnancy is suspect…….The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t care about their products harming people as they have the government running interference for them. The profits are so enormous they can buy off anyone and any criminal act……..They are above the law……………..Remember that if nothing else… that should be reason enough to never allow a vaccine be given to anyone you love and some drugs too…..