You lucky duck!
As a Pathways practitioner, you are being offered a special opportunity to screen THE GREATER GOOD to groups in your offices at a special reduced rate of $34.95 (standard price of $49.95).
Because you are a valued leader in the community of health and wellness, we are offering you an amazing deal and a one-time license fee (our regular store front fees are $49.95 per screening, but you get an unlimited license to show the film as many times as you want).
Just in case you haven’t seen the film yet, check out the trailer here:
Screening Tools:
Check out the screening tools to assist you as you plan and host your screening.
We offer a Host a Screening Guide, a Discussion Guide, a Vaccine Fast Facts, a Frequently Asked Questions, and a Fact Check of the film.
Also available are marketing materials such as posters and media announcements, easily downloaded from our website, as well as a special map function that enables you to register your screening so others in your community can find your screening – a great way to build your practice.
Please stay tuned for news about a special live online event with filmmakers Leslie Manookian and Kendall Nelson.
The Greater Good and You:
Check out the following items that can help to supplement income in your practice.
Join our Affiliate Program
When you join our affiliate program, you receive 10% of any sales that originate from your website.
Sign up for the Affiliate Program
Wholesale Starter Kits
Use this desktop display to show off the DVD’s to your clients.
This Wholesale Starter Kit comes with the desktop display and 20 DVD’s at our wholesale price.
New Parent Gift Box
Retail Price: $60
Your Price: $45.95
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