This story was submitted by Kathryn Snyder:
As an ADULT, I was damaged by vaccines about 12 years ago. My story… I was going to be working in an walk-in urgent care clinic and I was told I had to get Hep A, Pneumonia and Hep B shots. When I went to another clinic to get my shots I did fine until about 15 minutes after the shots. The clinic had me wait that long before I left and I did. However, when I stood up to pay for the shots I got dizzy and passed out. I was put in a room in a Trendelenburg position and was just left there (no supervision, no physician check, etc). In fact, when I could “focus”, I could hear the nurse complaining that they “need the room” and they needed to get me out of there. (So much for compassion).
I felt yucky after that but then seemed to be myself. Over the next 9 months I ended up losing weight, having diarrhea, various “traveling” pain issues, heart palpitations, etc. I was eating “healthy” and organic foods, drinking lots of water, taking high end vitamins, etc. Nothing helped and I lost enough weight to wear my 6 year old’s shorts (size 0 or 00 in adult sizes). I went to no less than 7 doctors as my health deteriorated. NOBODY knew what was wrong with me because my tests came back “normal”. I was accused of being anorexic or bulemic and being in denial about the whole thing (when in fact… I was setting egg timers to remind me to eat and I would FORCE myself to eat a bite or two of food every 30 minutes to an hour). I was put on a Holter monitor because my heart got down to 28 BPM at its lowest… My cardiologist told me I had less than a week to live, to get my affairs in order and that it was my fault that I was in denial.
I was crying out to God one evening (as I was making my funeral arrangements) lamenting that my only child, a daughter who would be left an orphan. I begged to be cured or to at least send someone who could raise her. 30 minutes later I got a call from a nice man named Greg. He had misdialed the phone and ended up with my number. Even though he was a telemarketer I was lonely (as most people don’t want to hang with a dying person) and I started talking to him. It turns out he was on the Board of Directors for a MLM health company (no longer in business now). He told me about a product they had and… when I told him I was dying, he ordered and shipped the product “overnight” for me. I took a large dose of the product (it was non-toxic so why not… I was dying anyway) and within 3 days my heart rate went UP (for the first time in months) to around 43 BPM!!! Whoopie! THEN Greg put me on some liquid vitamins and THAT was all I did to regain my health.
When I went to the Cardiologist to tell him about my “recovery” he got MAD at me and refused to listen or to talk with me. I PERSONALLY think it was the vaccines because I didn’t get sick until I took them and it was a gradual downslide from there.
I started looking up what I could find about vaccines and found a similar story to mine and THIS guy had his “downfall” after taking a Hepatitis vaccination also.
My daughter was 8 years old by this time and had received many of her “required”shots… By the time she was in 4th grade I wouldn’t let her have ANY vaccinations due to the research I had found. As a result we have both been bullied by the school nurses, (I was threatened by the nurse to be turned into Child Protective Services as a negligent mother – the latest incident was when Rick Perry ordered the girls to take the Gardasil shot), been “fired” by the pediatrician, not “allowed” to be patients at other physician offices and in general been treated as “nut” cases. I have even lost a couple of friends AND a fiance because of my anti-vaccine stance.
I don’t know WHY I felt compelled to write you this long diatribe but… you’ve probably heard a lot of stories like mine… I am STILL wanting to know what exactly happened to me and want to be able to save others from my fate. Maybe my story will help you and can help me “solve” my issue.
I sympathize and as someone who had a similar experience, the aftermath beyond the loss of health is much greater than one could imagine. I am a shadow of my former self and I think that between the brain damage I experienced and not being believed, being dismissed and patronized adds insult to the injury. Yes, people think I am crazy, too. And doctors avoid you. Feel better in knowing that one more person is in your corner. Discrediting silencing and embarrassing us only strengthens the myth of vaccine safety. Keep the faith and speak your truth.
Best wishes.
I too have had something happen to me after receiving two vaccines. On the 5 th day after receiving TDaP and Hep-B vaccines I awoke with central chest pain and a tight band feeling around my chest and slight tingling in my hands. Over the next few weeks I had severe pain in my arms shoulders and neck. I also had numbness in my hands and arms. I would get deep muscle pains and within a month developed a tremor in my trunk that I could feel when I used my arms to reach for things or walked on the stairs. My arms would be very heavey sometimes like they were strapped to lead. I was fatigued and had areas on my skin that felt like I had bruises and were tender to touch but visibly they looked normal. I also started to get pressure and ringing in my ears. About 6 weeks into this I developed numbness and stiffness in my feet and legs. I had also had a migraine, my first one ever in 42 years and it was worse than any hangover I’ve ever had every thing in my head hurt. I remember waking every morning with stiff joints in my hands, no swelling just stiff and painful. I began developing twitching all over my body. My ears began ringing constantly. I was sensivetive to noise and would jump if there was a sudden noise, that would never have made me jump before. I became very fatigued and normal activities like moving the laundry from the washer to the dryer, brushing my hair or taking one flight of stairs made me feel a actic acid burn in my muscles. Keep in mind the week previous to the shots I worked out an hour a day, no problems. These are not all of my symptoms but this is what I recall at this moment.
Doctor after doctor said all my tests were normal so they tried to give me anti depressants, which I never took. Today almost 8 months later I still have the tremor and muscle spasms. Most other symptoms have gone away. I am so worried that the tremor is spreading as now I notice it in my wrists.. I’ve had one neurologist tell me it was a vaccine mediated reaction.