This story was submitted by Kathleen Seravalli:
On July 15, 2000, my life was blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy. My son Michael was just perfect. He achieved all his milestones.
In his almost three years of life he acquired 29 vaccines. Shortly after something started to change. Michael stopped sleeping during the night and would scream and cry endlessly. He would walk around perimeters and hum, he lost all interest in other children. He hardly spoke…
I knew something was seriously wrong. After, a visit to the neurologist, my fears came to life. Michael was diagnosed with PDD (Pervasive developmental disorder.)
I had no idea where this journey would take me, of course I soon would find out. Hours of ABA therapy, meltdowns, IEP meetings, continuous confrontations with the school district, fighting for what I believed my son needed, no friends, no party invites so on and so forth. This is what Autism has brought into our lives, or should I say what it has taken?
I attended a life changing conference in the Spring of 2009. It was called Co-Med and it was there that my fears concerning the vaccines were totally validated! I learned the that children’s vaccines contained so much Mercury particularly in around the time my son was born. I had done my own research prior, however I had the opportunity to speak with Scientists concerning this issue.
What I learned that day was enlightening but nothing less than horrific! Since that conference and for as long I live I will continue to advocate for this issue.