I was watching a video and heard a part that made me listen a little closer (4:40-5:20). This mom was talking about her son developing a fever and a rash after the MMR vaccine. I knew my son had something similar happen. That made me think and so I got out his medical records again.
This is from his medical records:
8/5: One year well baby appt. He had 103 fever and the doctor said to hold off on the vaccines for that day. My son had failure to thrive beginning around his 6-month vaccines and he was falling off the chart for no apparent reason. He was obviously not doing well and he was very behind in speech but that wasn’t a concern to the doctor.
8/12: I take him in for his vaccines, because the doc said to wait for his fever to go away, and it had, so I did the “responsible” thing and took him. He got MMR, Hib, and Prevnar.
8/18: Back to the doctor. He wasn’t eating well, he was sleeping a lot and very lethargic, and loose foul smelling bm’s 2-3 times a day, and having fevers. He had an orange color and the lymph nodes in his neck were huge. I swear, I thought my child had cancer because he was sickly and because of the swollen lymph nodes. My husband was deployed to make matters worse. He was assessed with anorexia and gave me a Peds GI consult and told me to log his diet (he was still breastfed but self weaned the next month) and add high calorie solids. Stopped making baby food and started buying it so I could log calories…I know, stupid, I was only 23. He was a great eater when he felt good.
8/25: Took him back yet again. Lymph nodes still swollen, intermittent fevers. Recent fever of 102 for 2 days. He developed a rash, was told it was Roseola. Still had loose stool and was all the time whining and crying. They did blood work. His CBC values were all crazy with Highs and Lows. Nothing further was done, except for some workups and GI tests for the failure to thrive. No cause was ever found.
Pictures at this time showed a sick a little boy. He was almost catatonic at times and his eyes seemed so hollow. He was so tired and sick and so not there. His birthday was August 5th, but we had to put it off until the end of August. The day of his party, I wasn’t even sure if he was well enough. He finally started getting better and looking better and gaining weight after the vaccine assault was over for a couple of years. But he had a hard time learning anything and sensory issues started to develop. He also became hyperactive.
When he started preschool (was vaxed at 4 also), he was having behavior and learning issues that were addressed by putting him on an IEP. My son is 9-yrs old and has PDD-NOS, several learning disabilities that we think are due to dyslexia, sensory processing disorder, mood liability, ADHD, delayed speech, language issues, slow processing, executive functioning problems, memory problems, auditory processing issues, etc, etc. Looking back at pictures and videos, he was such a great little boy! So bright eyed and all smiles. Something happened.
Now, I am SO grateful that he doesn’t have seizures and that he is high functioning and that he didn’t die, even. But I am so angry that my boy’s future and potential was taken! The doctor should have told me that my son was sick and had failure to thrive and shouldn’t have gotten those vaccines!!! His immune system was obviously impaired.
-Emily Bennett
This just breaks my heart. Yesterday, I was leaving Chipotle (really good organic), with my 7 month old daughter, and as a woman was entering the restaurant with her baby boy, I asked her how old he was. She said, a year and a half. She asked me the same and she was shocked when I told her because my little girl was twice the size as her little boy. We laughed, but I told her quietly but firmly, “No more vaccinations.” She looked ashamed but said, “Yes, I know. But it’s so hard… Our 6 year old is autistic.” I said, “No more. Your 6 year old needs detox, and juicing. Don’t think about it, just do it.” We talked some more, and then I left.
My point to all this is that we pro-healthchoice people need to inform everyone we can of the dangers of the big pharmaceutical companies, and their toxic waste they’re imposing on an unsuspecting public.
Don’t be anti-choice, be Pro-HealthChoice!