I am hoping that with some more information, people can relax a little so they can breathe and just focus on taking care of themselves. I don’t want anyone to get sick or die, but panic makes those things more likely. When we are frightened, cortisol is elevated in our bodies which suppresses our immune systems increasing the likelihood of illness. Does that sound like a good thing? So while the mainstream media spreads fear that a large number of us will contract or die from Covid-19, I wanted to present some numbers that will hopefully help to allay some fear.
As of the time of writing, according to Worldometers.info the US has 140,960 cases and 2457 deaths from the current pandemic. These cases are a mixture of confirmed and presumed cases. It is important to note that CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics has given the following instructions regarding recording deaths: “Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.”(Emphasis mine.) We do not know how many of the deaths are confirmed and how many are presumed or how many where Covid-19 was present versus the actual cause of death.
That said, let’s look at some other statistics to gain some perspective. The US experiences:
That’s harm caused by the medical system itself. Now what about diseases and other causes of death.
According to CDC, in 2017 there were 7,708 deaths EVERY DAY. For the year, the number of deaths by the leading cause of death was the following:
- Heart disease: 647,457
- Cancer: 599,108
- Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
- Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
- Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
- Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
- Diabetes: 83,564
- Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
- Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
- Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
- Motor vehicle accidents: 38,659
- Falls (unintentional): 36,338
- Pedestrians: 6,480
While we encourage you all to take care of yourselves by eating well, managing stress, exercising, and sleeping, we hope these statistics will help to allay the fear by providing some perspective.
One last thing, I have seen multiple reports that taking ibuprofen during a bout of Covid-19 can worsen the illness so wanted to share that. I am not a doctor so cannot give medical advice but if it were me, I would not take any kind of fever reducer as fever is the body’s natural way to fight infection.
Be well!
I just came across your website. I am interested in watching “The greater good”, but will I be able to see it on YouTube? I was pleased to see the great number of doctors (on list) who speak out regarding vaccines. You all surely have morals!
You can stream it from our website for $4.95 here – please help us to pay the bills to keep our website going. Click “Stream”
The yale study you’re referring to, that discusses malpractice being the 3rd leading cause, isn’t proven. Journal of General Internal Medicine, puts the number of preventable deaths at 1/10 of what your stating…
The wide disparity in estimates of preventable hospital deaths is relatively simple, that the yale study looked at both wrong diagnosis and a failure to manage a condition properly. (Which is open for interpretation.. most people who lose a loved one state the hospital could have done more)
and if your not a doctor and your on a platform informing others don’t give medical advice. This was uninformative and biased.
1) I’m not sure which study you’re referencing. 2) There are many perspectives on any issue. Some researchers say the number of iatrogenic deaths is higher than 440,000 per year, some say lower. 3) No medical advise has been given. 4) One doesn’t have to be a doctor to do research and give a perspective. It is our opinion that white lab coats and titles like “Dr.” function to create a power disparity with the patient and rule by experts is not the world we want to live in. But you are welcome to your opinion.
I just watched your documentary and am so happy that you have done this.
My husband and I could have divorced over the subject of vaccines almost 20 years ago when my youngest child experienced seizures following her 3 and 6 month vaccines.
After the 6 month episodes I connected the dots and wondered if her vaccines could have been the cause. I did a ton of reading on the subject and was terrified by what I was reading. I felt so judged and alone for holding off on further vaccines. I changed doctors 3 times until I found one who would work with me on a slower schedule with fewer vaccines at once.
My Dad was very sensitive to medications .. he would never get the flu vaccine saying the only time he got the flu was when he had the vaccine..
Fast forward to Feb 2021 when my mother died 3 weeks and 3 days following her 1st COVID vaccine. She suffered a reaction with a lot of pain .. had inflammation then a fever and died. She was in an assisted living facility with dementia. Cognitively her decline was significant but physically she was very healthy and could have lived another 10 years according to her medical professionals. She was scheduled to move to a facility better equipped to care for her needs but she ended up dying on that very day.
It is not one size fits all.
More vaccines are being added to the mandatory schedule without the proper testing for safety. Our children are the Guinea pigs.
We need to protect our rights to choose.
Thank you for making this film.