Much research has shown that a mother that has a chronic inflammatory or autoimmune disease has a much greater risk of having a child with autism.
The most recent study (link below) found that the children of mothers who have lupus, an autoimmune disease, are twice as likely to have autism as children of mothers without lupus.
The researchers investigated all sorts of medications the mothers received during pregnancy – but not vaccinations – and found there was no connection between the medication and development of autism.
But is there a connection between autoimmune disease and vaccination?
There sure is – check out all this research on our website that explores autoimmune disease after vaccination – things like lupus, MS, ALS, rheumatoid arthritis, ASIA and more. More and more scientists have documented that vaccinations and their constituents are causing a large spectrum of autoimmune disease.1
So what is really going on here?
We know that when mice are vaccinated even a few times, this can overwhelm the integrity of their immune systems causing autoimmune disease.2
We know that vaccination in humans causes a variety of autoimmune diseases.3
We know that certain maternal immune system cells can interfere with proper development of the fetal brain resulting in behavioral abnormalities in the baby.4
So isn’t at least one potential answer staring us in the face?
Susceptible moms get vaccinated either during or prior to pregnancy and develop an autoimmune disease or inflammatory condition and then her offspring suffer the consequences: the autoantibodies circulating in her body interfere with proper development of the baby’s brain.
And if the baby is born normal, the baby is vaccinated and then has to deal with being susceptible (like its mother) to autoimmune and inflammatory diseases which result in the production of their own autoantibodies that can cross into the brain and affect development of the brain, resulting in autism. And make no mistake, autoimmune and inflammatory conditions like bowel diseases and allergies are very common in children with autism.
Since we know vaccines can cause autoimmune disease and since we know women with autoimmune disease are more likely to have offspring with autism, why didn’t the researchers investigate vaccines?
Of course we are not scientists but a bunch of super smart scientists seem to be pointing in the right direction if not outright connecting all the dots.
So why is everyone so afraid to touch this?
Read the article about lupus and autism.
It is cross-targeting that causes autoimmune disease NOT vaccines. It is the immune system’s response to the virus….not the vaccine…and with improvements the vaccines will prevent the autoimmune diseases. Cross-targeting means 2 infections focusing the immune system on one target.
As just stated, the vaccines and their ingredients are CAUSING autoimmune disease. Why not just stop the insult? Why would anyone think it makes sense to fix a problem with a variation of the same insult that caused the problem? Unless of course that someone had a financial interest. If taking a drug causes a reaction, one should stop the drug. And if a vaccine causes autoimmune disease, surely the answer is not to invent a vaccine to treat the vaccine injury.
you just have to remove the piece of virus that causes the bad reaction from the vaccine….and….figure out what other infection is involved…then calm the immune system….okay maybe things are not simple but vaccines will be part of the cure.
But aluminum and other ingredients in vaccines are known to cause autoimmune disease on their own. It is not jus the “piece of the virus” that causes autoimmune disease. Vaccines can cause autoimmune disease and so can some of the constituents of vaccines.
Why is everyone so convinced that vaccines are the perfect modern miracle of science? It is so obvious to me that they are the culprit in so many illnesses. Call me crazy but i would much rather live with a measles infection and it’s possible side effects than suffer for the rest of my life with MS OR LUPUS ETC. All of the so-called scientific experiments disproving the link between vax and autism are so seriously flawed but they are taken as solid proof of no link whatsoever. People need to start thinking for themselves. Just look up Charles Richet’s Nobel prize winning research on anaphalaxis from 1901 – the link between vax and allergies was proven, yet this was conveniently forgotten by big pharma because it’s not a very good selling point for their vaccines. In 20 years all these links will have been proven but by then, the body count will be devastating.
autistic people here are the victims between this ignorant fearmongering against medicine by parents who refuse to embrace and understand their autistic children. autistic people are a new breed in our gene pool and posess incredible gifts and talents concealed behind communication barriers. instead of learning how to connect with them, parents just wanna think they’re broken, damaged and they blame the medical system. meanwhile, those children are raised by parents that literally think they are retarded.
We have met thousands of parents of children with autism who love their children dearly. Your comments could not be more off base with respect to these families. These parents unfortunately watched their normally developing children regress into autism and develop a host of medical problems after vaccinations. They don’t refuse to embrace their children as you say, they live with children who have incredible pain in their guts, who have immune system problems, who suffer from seizures, who still wear diapers at 15 and who will never be able to live a normal, independent life. And they want to get them out of pain and help them heal. While some children with autism have incredible gifts, a huge number do not and simply cannot function without constant support. What parent wants their child to suffer like this.