Have you ever heard the line, "Trust me, I'm from the government and I'm here to help"? Most of us have and it would appear that more and more of us are seeing just what a joke that line truly is! New research shows that this is especially the case with vaccines. In fact, the more authorities try … [Read more...]
Vaccines: The $100 Billion Behemoth
Ever wonder why there is so much pressure to vaccinate? And why there is a continuous stream of articles and reports in print, on TV and on the web about the dangers of not vaccinating and about how careless and downright dangerous or stupid you are if you don't vaccinate? It is always useful to … [Read more...]
Vaccination and Mutations: Mother Nature Bites Back
At first blush, the idea that we might be able to prevent disease with a simple shot, may seem like a good idea. But in truly trying to determine whether it is a good idea, one must evaluate all of the knock on effects, not just the potential upside. One must consider whether there are adverse … [Read more...]