There is a vaccine safety study the public has been clamoring for for decades, but which has never been done: a proper study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Parents have literally been asking for this study for decades and public health officials have merely dragged their feet or turned a deaf ear to them. If you are surprised to learn this simple study has never been done, you’re not alone, and like most people you are probably wondering why not.
Watch the video below and ask yourself, is this is the best we can expect from our nation’s health officials?
The fact that this study has never been done is not only sad and frustrating, it is also unscientific, as this study might answer once and for all whether vaccines improve our children’s health, or harm it.
Although there is already a growing body of research (see our Catalogue of Science) linking vaccines to learning and developmental disabilities, behavioral problems, brain damage, seizures, allergies, asthma, gut issues, autoimmune diseases, obesity, chronic infections, and yes autism, this study could provide definitive answers to the question of vaccinations’ impact on health. It is worth noting that several surveys have already been conducted and the findings are startling: vaccinated kids are less healthy than their unvaccinated peers. See here.
In making The Greater Good we asked CDC‘s top vaccine official, Dr. Melinda Wharton, Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases why CDC wouldn’t just do the study and put all the questions and worries to rest. Dr. Wharton’s answer may surprise you and leave you wondering whether the problem is truly the difficulty of the study, or perhaps something more frightening, like the answer they might find.
With 54% of American school kids suffering from a chronic illness or developmental disability which science already links to vaccines, isn’t it time we did the study to determine the impact of vaccines on our children’s health? Don’t we want to know?
There is a very recent study but for the life of me, I cannot find the results nor who the study was conducted by. I remember reading about 2 or 3 months ago, an article warning people to be catious about the results as they were from a biased source. The results were supposed to be out shortly but now I can neither find the results nor who was conducting the study.
Why ever would they want to do a study, they already know the a swear! Big Pharma will milk every last dime they can from the vaccines……….that is until people smarten up and finally take responsibility for their own health and that of their children! In fact a study such as this could be considered unethical, if it weren’t for the fact that the vaccinators will vaccinate anyway…….. That is until it hits too close to home!!!
Organic broccoli? Are you serious? One more thing: Why do you make these amateurish videos? It looks like an elementary school theatre play. Make something more serious and stop advertising “organic broccoli” as a replacement for medical treatment, and you would perhaps be taken more seriously.
If the medical industries have become cynical, you also have to remember that they will use any means necessary to make a mockery out of any critics. This means that before making any critical voice, you must be 100% sure of what you are doing and do it in a more adult manner. Scientific debate is not elementary school play
We don’t think you realize that the mockery is that CDC actually says that broccoli is the reason they can’t do the study. That our top health agencies say they can’t study the health outcomes of vaccinated children compared to unvaccinated children because they don’t eat the same broccoli is the true farce. There is plenty of science on our website (over 200 papers in our Catalogue of Science under the Learn More tab) documenting and exploring adverse reactions such as allergies, brain damage and death after vaccines. The science is clear,vaccines harm many of those who receive them, but the powers that be don’t want the public to know so they pretend there is a debate.
Today, I found you, the web site I have been looking for. I agree 100% with the need to do the study on vaccinated vs unvaccinated children. The CDC’s arguments against such a study are ridiculous. Consumption of pesticide covered broccoli or any other confounding variable can be included in the study..
Holy cow! I am reading notes from an FDA meeting in 2012 regarding using cancerous tumors for vaccines. OMG! When I saw this clip of Dr. Wharton’s inability to speak sanely, I got really scared. THIS IS OUR GOVT. IN ACTION!!! time to find a new country.
Amazingly, some folks are so conditioned to not think critically, they accept what she is saying at face value. We agree, if this is the best our federal government can do, we have some serious problems.